Can't interupt/Uninteruptible- Can't Interupt with a move
Can't block/Unblockable- Can't Block with a move
Can't avoid- Can't avoid with a move
Can't escape- Can't avoid with a move
Unavoidable- Can't Avoid, Unblockable, Uninteruptible.
Completely Unavoidable- Can't Stop with a avoid/interupt/block unavoidable move.
Capture- Traps the opponent.
Hold- Uses something (an object or ninjutsu or bloodline) to stop opponent form moving
Confuse- Makes opponent under an illiusion or distracted
Block- Uses an object to stop an attack from hitting.
Interupt- An attack or skills that causes the opponent to not be able to preform a jutsu.
Avoid- Dodge a incoming attack.
Stop- Basic concept of Interupt
Multi Hit- Hits multiple opponents.
Passive- A move that does not take up part of the 2 attacks per turn limit.